Proving our worth

Interested in what our results have been for our clients? We’ve delivered thousands of high-quality candidates to fill open positions. We’ve also helped our partner companies save millions of dollars in hiring processes, credentialing and training.

Exceptional hiring results can help your business save time and money in onboarding and retention. Our people-focused processes and relationship-building help us match the right talent with the right companies.

When hiring results fail, that costs your business. It can hurt organizations in terms of time and money, as well as reputation.

By partnering with Associate Staffing, you have a true partner who’s focused on your success. Because of our extensive experience, we’re able to continually evolve our hiring best practices to:

  • Identify and use the best time- and cost-saving hiring technology
  • Develop an up-to-date talent bank of professionals from throughout the country with unique skillsets, certifications and specializations
  • Streamline hiring processes to place talented candidates in open roles more quickly

Our results speak for themselves. From large bulk hiring needs in the technology sector, to widespread software adoption projects in healthcare, to developing a white-glove financial credential hiring process for accounting and finance industries, you can count on Associate Staffing to have the latest and greatest hiring techniques that can save your business time and money when hiring. We can help you find unique talent you won’t find anywhere else, due to our diligent relationship-building and candidate development.

Learn about just a few of our client success stories below.

Finance Staffing Case

In the past 10 years, we’ve provided more than 1,200 employees who have completed a licensure program. Our pass rates and flexible structure have provided $6.375 million in cost savings at various clients, as compared to their previous licensure options.

Technology Staffing Case Study

Our support helped establish and grow teams within senior leadership, security, automation, data and engineering.

Healthcare Staffing Case Study

We reduced interview and onboarding processes by 50% and provided 20+ full-time employees to support the implementation. These employees were integral in supporting the implementation and ongoing maintenance of the hospital systems.